
Introduction: Blogpost #8

D id you know that married men and women are more likely to live longer than those who remain single? Well, many researchers have found studies that suggest that married couples are able to enjoy a healthier and happier lifestyle than those individuals who to live the single-life   (Stanton, 2018) . Marriage has more positive influences on one's physical, mental, and social stability than an individual who is not married.    Sources Referenced :   Stanton, Glenn. “The Health Benefits of Marriage.”  Focus on the Family , 1 Sept. 2012,

Peer Review: BlogPost #7

Above is the title of my PowerPoint presentation. However, below is a peer review of others in compare/contrast. Day 1:  Endangered Species > What Works : This particular presentation about endangered species around the world, and how the human race has a major impact on the declining of some animals does a great job providing definition, facts, and and statistical data as supporting evidence of her key points > What Does Not Work : Although the writer uses several statistics as evidence for her topic, there seems to be an over exposure to statistics rather than focusing on each individual point. > Improvement  Needed : The writer needs to focus on ways to clarify her claim/thesis statement. Day 2 : Rap is Controversial > What Works : In this presentation, the writer implements a unique sense of style and maintains organization of the three key-focus points of the topic. > What Does Not Work : Thesis statement that the writer uses does not e...

Marriage: Blog Post #6

Topic : Marriage: Positive Consequences/Effects   Research Question : How does marriage influence an individual's physical, mental, and social stability? Claim : Marriage has more positive than negative effects on and individual's physical, mental and social stability.  This particular topic interest me because I have witnessed many people get married and live a totally different in a positive light. From the time I was a little girl, I always dreamed of my wedding and being married to the most wonderful husband who sweeps me off my feet. Millions of women around the world are patiently waiting to get married to that special someone who she will share forever with. However, a few women may claim that they enjoy single life filled with late-night hangovers, playing game on numerous men, and having lots of free time. Typically, after a women gets married, her whole life changes with the blink of an eye. The once single, independent, and unhappy women becomes an extraor...

"Stand By Me" Blogpost 5

In the music video , "Stand By Me" , the producer conveys an important message using elements of rhetoric to present his argument. For instance, in the video, the setting transformed to a different part of the world while each singer continued the chorus: "Oh stand by me" promoting the idea that everyone needs help from someone, everywhere.  One captivating image in the music video shows one musician playing the bass in  Guguletu, South Africa in a very poverty like environment of children.  This  picture conveys an intense message that shares a pathos appeal to the audience's emotions about what it is like to see others in need of help. The producer uses the most effective way to appeal to the audience, which is by message rather than argument. Because a message has a visual exposure and provides visual evidence as opposed to an argument, which is generally support by statistical evidence, it is the most effective method of capturing the audience's a...

Critical Response: Blogpost #4

In Gerard Jones's essay, "Violent Media Is Good For Kids", he constructs his ideas in a way that readers are able to relate to him in personal experience. For example, in paragraph 3, he acknowledges how his mother allowed and insisted on Jones as a young boy by  "borrowing comics" containing violent media.     Although the author  explicitly states his position using reference to his personal experience with violent media in the third paragraph of the his essay by stating " They were good for me because they were juvenile. And violent" (Jones), Jones fails to recognize or include a general source of evidence directed toward more than just one audience. He establishes his position, but only exaggerates the singular idea of violent media's effect on children, rather than all people in general. Jones also shares with the reader of how he used his experience with violent media to help his son---" transforming himself into a bloodthirsty din...

"College is a Waste of Time"

The first of the Four Pillars of Argument, known as the thesis statement can be identified in paragraph one as the author says ",I believe higher education is broken". This  serves as the thesis statement because it it where the author takes a position to agree with the topic presented.  The evidence, the second pillar of argument is located in paragraph four where the author shares facts such as "The College Board Policy Center found that the cost of public university tuition is about 3.6 times higher today than it was 30 years ago, adjusted for inflation." The author uses the following as evidence to support his position in the argument by providing indisputable statistics. Stephens also backed up his claim by providing expert opinions. For example, he says "...sociology professors Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa say that 36 percent of college graduates showed no improvement in critical thinking, complex reasoning or writing after four years of college. ...

About Me

All of my life, I have been exposed to the spotlight because of my many talents and achievements. Even as young as five years old, and the youngest of my siblings, my parents noticed my passion for music and art. They decided that it was only right to expose my talents to everyone, including family, friends, and even random strangers. Music icons like Michael Jackson, Prince, Aaliyah, Beyoncé and more inspired me to come out of my comfort zone and share talents with the world. So I put my mother's heels on and her best lipstick, then pretended the mirror was an audience screaming my name. But in reality, it was a life a spotlight I could only dream of. Instead of dreaming about these flashing lights, I began taking it more seriously and auditioned for talent shows at school, joining chorus and band to learn to read music, and even joined the Lisa Kelly Voice Academy at the age of 16. Although in my younger years were strongly fixated on music, I began to realize the reality of ...