Critical Response: Blogpost #4

In Gerard Jones's essay, "Violent Media Is Good For Kids", he constructs his ideas in a way that readers are able to relate to him in personal experience. For example, in paragraph 3, he acknowledges how his mother allowed and insisted on Jones as a young boy by 
"borrowing comics" containing violent media.

Although the author explicitly states his position using reference to his personal experience with violent media in the third paragraph of the his essay by stating " They were good for me because they were juvenile. And violent"(Jones), Jones fails to recognize or include a general source of evidence directed toward more than just one audience. He establishes his position, but only exaggerates the singular idea of violent media's effect on children, rather than all people in general. Jones also shares with the reader of how he used his experience with violent media to help his son---" transforming himself into a bloodthirsty dinosaur to embolden himself for the plunge into preschool,". However, the way he convey's the message of aggressive behavior associated with a child entering preschool not only sounds lunatic, but is too overly exaggerated as a necessary qualification.

In conclusion, Mr.Gerard Jones's essay is enriched with an pathos appeal to readers with many references to childhood exposure to violent media, yet his lack of validity in evidence to support his position is not strong enough to balance his argument.

Sources Referenced:

 Kirsner, Laurie G. Practical Argument Short Third Edition. Boston/New York Copyright 2017

G. Jones June 28, 2000 "Violent Media Is Good For Kids" 


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