
Showing posts from January, 2018

"College is a Waste of Time"

The first of the Four Pillars of Argument, known as the thesis statement can be identified in paragraph one as the author says ",I believe higher education is broken". This  serves as the thesis statement because it it where the author takes a position to agree with the topic presented.  The evidence, the second pillar of argument is located in paragraph four where the author shares facts such as "The College Board Policy Center found that the cost of public university tuition is about 3.6 times higher today than it was 30 years ago, adjusted for inflation." The author uses the following as evidence to support his position in the argument by providing indisputable statistics. Stephens also backed up his claim by providing expert opinions. For example, he says "...sociology professors Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa say that 36 percent of college graduates showed no improvement in critical thinking, complex reasoning or writing after four years of college. ...

About Me

All of my life, I have been exposed to the spotlight because of my many talents and achievements. Even as young as five years old, and the youngest of my siblings, my parents noticed my passion for music and art. They decided that it was only right to expose my talents to everyone, including family, friends, and even random strangers. Music icons like Michael Jackson, Prince, Aaliyah, Beyoncé and more inspired me to come out of my comfort zone and share talents with the world. So I put my mother's heels on and her best lipstick, then pretended the mirror was an audience screaming my name. But in reality, it was a life a spotlight I could only dream of. Instead of dreaming about these flashing lights, I began taking it more seriously and auditioned for talent shows at school, joining chorus and band to learn to read music, and even joined the Lisa Kelly Voice Academy at the age of 16. Although in my younger years were strongly fixated on music, I began to realize the reality of ...