Marriage: Blog Post #6

Topic : Marriage: Positive Consequences/Effects Research Question : How does marriage influence an individual's physical, mental, and social stability? Claim : Marriage has more positive than negative effects on and individual's physical, mental and social stability. This particular topic interest me because I have witnessed many people get married and live a totally different in a positive light. From the time I was a little girl, I always dreamed of my wedding and being married to the most wonderful husband who sweeps me off my feet. Millions of women around the world are patiently waiting to get married to that special someone who she will share forever with. However, a few women may claim that they enjoy single life filled with late-night hangovers, playing game on numerous men, and having lots of free time. Typically, after a women gets married, her whole life changes with the blink of an eye. The once single, independent, and unhappy women becomes an extraor...